InDev Solutions: meeting with BrSTU students
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.02.2025

Meetings of representatives of customer organizations with senior students continue at Brest State Technical University. On February 25, a presentation of the IT company was held for students of the Faculty of Electronic Information Systems. OJSC "InDev Solutions" is a software...
The regional stage of the debate league was held at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.02.2025

On February 25, the regional stage of the republican competition "All-Belarusian Debate League" was held at the Brest State Technical University. The organizers of this competition are the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of...
Belarusian manufacturers of heat supply equipment actively participate in the educational process at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.02.2025

In accordance with the protocol of instructions of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus No. 05/41 dated 17.12.2024, it is planned to reduce the gap between the processes and technologies that are studied in higher education institutions and...
Happy Defenders of the Fatherland and Armed Forces Day of the Republic of Belarus!
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.02.2025

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the Armed Forces, teachers, employees and students of Brest State Technical University! Today we celebrate the Defenders of the Fatherland and Armed Forces Day of the Republic of Belarus - a holiday that...
"In the name of peace on earth..."
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.02.2025

On the eve of the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, a ceremonial event "In the name of peace on earth..." was held at Brest State Technical University. The assembly hall...
BrSTU delegation honored the memory of heroes in the Brest Fortress
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.02.2025

On the eve of the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, a delegation of the Brest State Technical University, headed by Rector Sergei Aleksandrovich Kasperovich, took part in the solemn ceremony...
BrSTU was awarded for the results of the education system's work in 2024
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.02.2025

On February 21, 2025, a board meeting "On the results of the work of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus for 2024 and tasks for 2025" was held in Minsk today At the board meeting of the Ministry...
Topical issues of integrating scientific developments into the practical activities of enterprises were discussed at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.02.2025

On February 18, 2025, a round table on the topic "Topical issues of integrating scientific developments into the practical activities of enterprises" was held at Brest State Technical University. The event was chaired by the First Deputy Minister of Education...
XXII International Specialized Exhibition "Education and Career. Educational Technologies - 2025"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.02.2025

On February 14-16, 2025, the XXII International Specialized Exhibition "Education and Career. Educational Technologies - 2025" was held in Minsk for pupils, applicants, students, university graduates and parents. The organizers of the international exhibition "Education and Career" are the Ministry of...
Training conversation- "Moral qualities and responsible behavior
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.02.2025

BrSTU held a conversation-training "Moral qualities and responsible behavior" for members of the MOOP "Courage", during which students were introduced to the rules and norms of social interaction, about the negative consequences of what was said and done. Members of the...
They are alive as long as we remember!
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.02.2025

On the eve of the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers, a round table dedicated to the 36th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan was held at the Brest State Technical University. The speakers at the event were...
Meeting with construction industry leaders at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.02.2025

On February 14, a significant meeting of teachers and students of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering with the Chairman of the Union of Builders of Belarus Anatoly Ivanovich Nichkasov took place at Brest State Technical University. The event...
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 14.02.2025

On February 12, 2025, a ceremonial conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus was held in Minsk. The event brought together leading specialists in librarianship, scientists and representatives...
Meeting of students with a judge of the Brest Regional Court
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 13.02.2025

A meeting of students with a judge of the Brest Regional Court Tatyana Georgievna Laskovich was held at the Brest State Technical University. The event was devoted to important aspects of labor relations of graduates who studied at the university...
"Legal Security. Types of Fraud in the Modern World"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 13.02.2025

On February 12, a dialogue platform on the topic: "Legal Security. Types of Fraud in the Modern World" was held at the Brest State Technical University within the framework of the methodological association "Curator's School" During the meeting, the participants discussed...
Artificial Intelligence and Education
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 10.02.2025

The problems and prospects of introducing new technologies into the field of education were discussed at the Brest State Technical University within the framework of the seminar "Artificial Intelligence and Education". The University acted as a platform for discussing the possibilities...
BrSTU is a laureate of the "Best Goods of the Republic of Belarus" competition for 2024
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 31.01.2025

The State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus approved the results of the "Best Goods of the Republic of Belarus" competition for 2024. The educational institution "Brest State Technical University" is a laureate of the "Best Goods of the...
Grand opening of the exhibition-monument "Genocide of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 28.01.2025

On January 27, the Holocaust Remembrance Day, the grand opening of the exhibition-monument "Genocide of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War" took place at Brest State Technical University. The exhibition is dedicated to the tragic events when the Belarusian...
Elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 28.01.2025

On January 26, 2025, the presidential elections were held in Belarus. On this important day, 5,325 polling stations were organized in the country, 861 polling stations in the Brest region. Three polling stations were organized in the buildings and dormitories of...
Republican socio-cultural event "Unity Marathon". Final
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 28.01.2025

On January 24, the grand republican socio-cultural event "Unity Marathon" ended in the capital of Belarus. It became a bright event in the cultural life of the country. The gala concert "Time has chosen us" gathered thousands of spectators from...
Engineering classes of BrSTU: the path to success in a technical career
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.01.2025

In recent years, the Republic of Belarus has been actively developing a system of specialized classes that train future engineers. Today, in general secondary education institutions of the Brest region, there are more than 30 engineering classes and groups that...
Science. Innovation. Advance
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.01.2025

From January 20 to 25, Brest State Technical University hosts events dedicated to the Day of Belarusian Science. As part of the events, an exhibition of scientific and technical developments (full-scale samples and models) of young scientists and students was...
Essay competition "I want to be a diplomat"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.01.2025

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, with the support of the National Center for Marketing and Price Study and the 5th Element chain of stores, is holding a career guidance essay competition "I want to be...
Happy Belarusian Science Day!
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.01.2025

Dear teachers, employees, postgraduates, master's students and students of Brest State Technical University! Congratulations on the Belarusian Science Day! This holiday is a tribute to all those who dedicate their lives to research, discovery of new knowledge and development of our society. Today...
BrSTU students are foreign observers at the elections of the President of Belarus
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 22.01.2025

On January 21, early voting in the elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus was launched. Students of the Brest State Technical University are working at polling stations as foreign observers. Arina Ermolinskaya, a student of the Faculty of...
Meeting with the authorized representative of the candidate for President of the Republic of Belarus
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 22.01.2025

On January 21, a meeting of employees and teachers with Yuri Alexandrovich Senko, authorized representative of the candidate for President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko, was held at Brest State Technical University. During the event, key aspects...
Christmas concert at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 21.01.2025

On January 19, a traditional Christmas event took place in the assembly hall of the Brest State Technical University - a concert of the pupils of the Sunday school of the parish of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of...
Meeting of the university management with the university teachers
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 21.01.2025

A meeting of the university management with the teachers was held at Brest State Technical University. The main focus was on discussing the upcoming elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus. The meeting discussed various aspects of the work...
Youth Leadership - a Modern View: Republican Leaders Forum in Minsk
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 20.01.2025

The Republican Leaders Forum in Minsk, which is taking place on January 16-17, has become a platform for the exchange of experience and ideas among young leaders. 345 winners and prize winners of republican and international competitions, festivals and projects...
Quiz "We choose the future ourselves!"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 17.01.2025

The Moscow district organization of the ROO "Belaya Rus" continues to implement a series of educational events for young people aimed at increasing electoral activity in the run-up to the 2025 election campaign. On January 16, a fascinating quiz called "We...
Meeting of BrSTU students with V.V. Borovenko
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 17.01.2025

A meeting of students with the deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the VIII convocation, chairman of the Moscow district organization of the ROO "Belaya Rus" Vladimir Veniaminovich Borovenko took...
Expert dialogue "Elections-2025: Regional Dimension"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 17.01.2025

Expert dialogue "Elections-2025: Regional Dimension" was held at Brest State Technical University on January 16. The event, organized by the Brest branch of the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies, was attended by representatives of political parties, government agencies, mass media, and...
Meeting of the Rector of BrSTU with the staff
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 16.01.2025

A meeting of the Rector Sergei Antonovich Kasperovich with the university staff was held at Brest State Technical University. The main focus was on discussing the upcoming elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus, as well as the...
Test access to the project "Lines Scorched by War"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 15.01.2025

Dear teachers, employees and students! From January 13 to June 30, 2025, free access to the project "Lines Scorched by War" on the IVIS platform is open for the UO "Brest State Technical University". Preserving historical memory and countering attempts to...
Voters voting for the first time will receive the book "Symbols of Sovereign Belarus" at the elections of the President…
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 15.01.2025

In the run-up to the elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Central Election Commission of Belarus has prepared a special gift for those who are participating in such a significant democratic process for the first time...
The results of the VII youth forum "HERITAGE" have been summed up
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 15.01.2025

The results of the VII youth forum "HERITAGE", organized by the Government of Moscow, have been summed up. The educational project of the Department of Cultural Heritage of Moscow has been held since 2018 in partnership with Moscow universities. Over 100...
Regional New Year's Ball
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 13.01.2025

According to the already established tradition, every year in January the Regional New Year's Ball is held in the White Hall of the Kossovo Palace and Park Complex. Students and pupils who distinguished themselves in their studies, creativity, sports, scientific...
Distance learning is a modern educational trend
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 13.01.2025

On January 10, a seminar was held at Brest State Technical University for the heads of colleges of the Brest region implementing secondary specialized and vocational education programs. The seminar was attended by the first deputy head of the main...
Elections 2025: important to know
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 13.01.2025

The election of the President of the Republic of Belarus is the main event of 2025, which will take place on January 26. ✔️ According to Article 64 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the right to elect the...
Merry Christmas!
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 08.01.2025

Dear employees and students of Brest State Technical University! With all my heart I congratulate you on the coming of the great holiday - the Nativity of Christ! This day symbolizes the beginning of a new life, hope for the best and...
2025 in Belarus declared the Year of Improvement of the Country
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 08.01.2025

The first year of the five-year plan for quality will be the Year of Improvement of the Country. This was stated by the President of Belarus Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko in his New Year's address to the Belarusian people. "Our path is...
Law enforcement officials met with foreign students of BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 08.01.2025

On the eve of the new 2025, a meeting of law enforcement officials with foreign students of the university was held at Brest State Technical University. At the beginning of the meeting, employees of the State Border Committee of the Republic...
Happy New Year 2025!
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 08.01.2025

Dear teachers, employees, students, graduates and veterans of Brest State Technical University! With deep respect and warmth, I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2025! Again, the moment comes when the outgoing year becomes part of our common past, leaving us...
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 08.01.2025

On December 30, 2024, a Leader's School class was held at Brest State Technical University, dedicated to two important topics: "Stress and ways to regulate emotional state" and "Legal education. The law is on guard." The first part of the class...
Lectures by the professor of the National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering to students of BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 30.12.2024

As part of the implementation of the State Program for the Development of Higher Education for 2021-2025, Brest State Technical University was visited by the deputy director for research at the Institute of Industrial and Civil Engineering, professor of the...
School of Curators of BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 30.12.2024

On December 27, a meeting of the methodological association "School of Curators of BrSTU" was held at Brest State Technical University. Social educator Tatyana Aleksandrovna Kovalevskaya made a report on the topic "Work of the teaching staff with minors with...
International History Olympiad "World Wars in the History of Mankind"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 30.12.2024

On November 13, 2024, the Francisk Skaryna Gomel State University held the traditional International History Olympiad "World Wars in the History of Mankind" in a remote form. This year, our university was represented by two teams. In the direction of...
Republican New Year's Ball at the Palace of Independence: impressions of the participants
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.12.2024

On December 24, 2024, the traditional Republican New Year's Ball was held at the Palace of Independence with the participation of the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko. More than 300 young people took part in this...
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.12.2024

I sincerely wish all members of the Roman Catholic Church Happy Christmas! This holiday brings joy, warmth and hope, uniting people all over the world. Our hearts are filled with faith in the fulfillment of our most cherished desires, an atmosphere...
International exchange
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.12.2024

BrSTU students and postgraduates have a unique opportunity to participate in an annual exchange to study at higher education institutions in China within the framework of the intergovernmental Agreement between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Belarus...
Student evening "Let's get acquainted!"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.12.2024

In anticipation of the holidays, it has become a good tradition at Brest State University to organize inter-faculty events for foreign students who arrived to study this year. On December 23, 2024, the student evening "Let's get acquainted!" was held, which...
Unity Marathon in Brest: Let's sum it up together
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.12.2024

From December 20 to 21, the Unity Marathon was held in Brest, which became a bright event in the cultural life of the city. As part of this large-scale event, various locations and activities were organized, in which students and...
Frank conversation with M.I. Rusy "My life. My path. My President"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 23.12.2024

On December 20, 2024, an open conversation "My life. My path. My President" was held in the assembly hall of the Brest State Technical University. Students and employees of the university, as part of the Republican social and cultural action...
"Unity Marathon. Time has chosen us"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 23.12.2024

On December 20, the republican social and cultural action "Unity Marathon. Time has chosen us" started in Brest. This is not just a large-scale event, but a real festival of friendship, culture and inspiration that unites all Belarusians. The first day...
XVIII International Student Scientific Forum "Student Scientific Winter in Brest-2024"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 23.12.2024

On December 19-20, 2024, the XVIII International Student Scientific Forum "Student Scientific Winter in Brest-2024" was held at the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit of BrSTU. The forum has been held for over 15 years and does not lose...
Intellectual games at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 23.12.2024

On December 19, 2024, a New Year's quiz was held in the library of the Brest State Technical University, organized within the framework of the intellectual games club IQ-club of BrSTU. 5 teams took part in the intellectual competitions, including teams...
New Year's miracle: ASF students visited the Antopol special boarding school
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 23.12.2024

As part of the charity event "Our Children", students of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering visited the State Educational Institution "Antopol special boarding school". The guys delighted the pupils of the school with their creativity: the play "Morozko", dances...
Targeted training is a conscious step into the future!
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 19.12.2024

On December 18, a large-scale "Targeted Training Fair" was held at Brest State Technical University. Organizations that order personnel from the Brest region and future applicants took part in the event. The meeting was organized to improve the effectiveness of...
Urban development solutions and their implementation in the city of Brest
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 19.12.2024

At the Department of Economics and Organization of Construction of the Brest State Technical University, as part of studying the disciplines "Organization of Design and Construction" and "Organization and Management in Construction" for students of the specialties "Architecture" and "Real...
BrSTU repository improved its position in the repository ranking
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 18.12.2024

According to the updated repository ranking for December 2024, compiled by the Cybermetrics Lab research group, the BrSTU repository was included in the TRANSPARENT RANKING: CRIS by Google Scholar ranking. According to Webometrics 18th Edition (December 2024), the BrSTU repository moved...
Trade Union: History and Modernity
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 16.12.2024

On December 13, a seminar for 1st-year trade union organizers on the topic "Trade Union. History. Role. Structure" was held at Brest State Technical University. The invited guests were Deputy Chairman of the Brest Regional Trade Union Association Roman Valentinovich...
Protection from influenza: advice from an epidemiologist for students and employees of BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 16.12.2024

On December 12, Brest State Technical University hosted a meeting of employees and students with Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Rakot, an epidemiologist from the Brest Zonal Center for Epidemiology and Hygiene. In anticipation of the seasonal increase in influenza cases, the epidemiologist paid...
Liability for participation in unauthorized mass events
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 16.12.2024

Unauthorized mass events can lead to serious consequences for participants and organizers. Here are some types of liability that may arise: - Administrative liability: fines, administrative arrests. - Criminal liability: imprisonment, correctional labor, restriction of freedom. In addition, participation in unauthorized events can negatively...
"Genocide. Pain and Memory of the Belarusian People"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 13.12.2024

On December 11, a video lecture-conversation "Genocide. Pain and Memory of the Belarusian People" was held at the Brest State Technical University. The topic of genocide and its consequences is one of the most acute and painful in the history of...
Meeting with the Presidential Aide at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 12.12.2024

On December 11, an important meeting was held at Brest State Technical University to discuss key aspects of the development of the Brest region and the upcoming 2025 elections. The event was attended by the Aide to the President of...
Cybercrime: Modern Threats
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 12.12.2024

Due to the increase in the number of registered crimes related to cybersecurity, a dialogue platform was held at Brest State Technical University. It was attended by the head of the department for ideological and educational work of BrSTU Denis...
Quiz "We choose the future ourselves"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 12.12.2024

The Moscow district organization of Brest, the ROO "Belaya Rus" continues a series of educational events for young people dedicated to the 2025 election campaign. As part of this direction, on December 10, the UO "Brest State College of Instrument...
"Genocide. No Right to Life"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 12.12.2024

Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering Inessa Pavlovna Pavlova addressed the students with an important message dedicated to the memorable date of December 9 - the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Crime of...
Meeting with the inspector of the Brest Criminal Executive District Department of Internal Affairs
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 12.12.2024

On December 10, a meeting of students with the inspector of the Brest Criminal Executive District Department of Internal Affairs, Tatyana Yuryevna Uglyanitsa, took place at the Brest State Technical University. The main topic of the meeting was the selection and...
The university stage of the republican competition "All-Belarusian Debate League" has ended
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 12.12.2024

The university stage of the republican competition "All-Belarusian Debate League" has ended. Representatives of the faculties of electronic information systems and engineering systems and ecology competed in the final. Participants defended their point of view on the issue of abolishing cash...
BrSTU is the winner of the international award "Leader of the Year 2024"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 10.12.2024

On December 6, the IX International Business Award "Leader of the Year" was held in Minsk. Traditionally, major achievements of enterprises in mechanical engineering, energy, education, food industry and other industries were presented here. The "Leader of the Year - 2024...
We choose the future ourselves
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 06.12.2024

At the initiative of the Moscow District of Brest city organization ROO "Belaya Rus", on December 5, a quiz dedicated to the 2025 election campaign - "We choose the future ourselves" was held at the UO "Brest State College of...
"Do as SHOULD be" with Minsk Automobile Plant
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 06.12.2024

A large-scale youth educational initiative called "Do as SHOULD be" was launched in Brest. It was organized by the Belarusian Committee of Youth Organizations with the support of Minsk Automobile Plant. The project is aimed at introducing the younger generation...
All-Belarusian Debate League
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 06.12.2024

The university stage of the republican competition "All-Belarusian Debate League" began on December 5. In the first game, 4 teams of students from the Faculty of Electronic Information Systems contested the right to reach the final. The debate topic "Introduction...
Brest Polytechnic College expands educational opportunities: new specialty
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 05.12.2024

Vladimir Gennadievich Novoseltsev, Head of the Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation of Brest State Technical University, took part in a career guidance meeting held at the BrSTU branch "Polytechnic College". The event was attended by 9th and...
Rally-festival of patriotic associations of the Union State
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 05.12.2024

From November 30 to December 3, a rally-festival of patriotic associations of the Union State was held in Pechory (Pskov Region), organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the...
The Role of Historical and Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Belarus
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 04.12.2024

On December 3, a meeting with Sergei Aleksandrovich Zhuk, an analyst at the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies, was held at Brest State Technical University. The topic of the meeting was devoted to the historical and cultural heritage of the Republic...
Talking about the important: International AIDS Day
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 04.12.2024

On December 2, Brest State Technical University hosted a "talk about the important" dedicated to International AIDS Day. The guest of the event was Olga Sergeevna Bondareva, an epidemiologist at the Brest Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health. During...
Organizational meeting with parents of first-year students at the Faculty of Electronic Information Systems
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 04.12.2024

An organizational parent meeting with the Dean of the Faculty of Electronic Information Systems Andrey Nikolaevich Parfievich was held at Brest State Technical University. In his speech, the Dean spoke about the possibilities and areas of work of the university...
Interregional scientific and practical conference "Professional foreign language training of university specialists: experience, problems, prospects"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 02.12.2024

On November 29, 2024, the Department of Linguistic Disciplines and Intercultural Communications of Brest State Technical University hosted the Interregional scientific and practical conference "Professional foreign language training of university specialists: experience, problems, prospects" in person and in absentia, dedicated...
Vll International Scientific and Practical Conference "Economics and Management: Social, Economic and Engineering Aspects"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 02.12.2024

From November 28 to 29, 2024, the Vll International Scientific and Practical Conference on the topic "Economics and Management: Social, Economic and Engineering Aspects" was held, organized by the Department of Management of Brest State Technical University. The event brought...
Business games as part of the project "Youth for Belarus!"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 02.12.2024

In the Brest Regional Executive Committee, as part of the information and educational project "Youth for Belarus!", students of two Brest universities met with Olga Vasilyevna Stepus, a member of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the...
Artificial Intelligence in Practice: Students' Meeting with the Director of Automation at Savushkin Product OJSC
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 29.11.2024

On November 28, the Faculty of Electronic Information Systems organized a meeting for 4th-year students majoring in Artificial Intelligence with the Director of Automation at Savushkin Product OJSC Valery Vasilyevich Taberko and employees of the enterprise. Valery Vasilyevich outlined the relevance...
Prevention of juvenile delinquency
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 29.11.2024

On November 27, a meeting of students of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering with the Senior Inspector of the Juvenile Affairs Inspectorate of the Moscow District Department of Internal Affairs of Brest, Sergei Petrovich Duboysky, took place at...
III Forum of Rectors of Universities of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Belarus
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 29.11.2024

The III Forum of Rectors of Universities of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Belarus “Education as the most important factor in strengthening bilateral relations between the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Belarus” was launched on...
The information and educational project "Youth for Belarus" has started at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 29.11.2024

The information and educational project "Youth for Belarus" has started at Brest State Technical University. The project was initiated by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus jointly with the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of...
Excursion to the Day of Civil Aviation Workers
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 29.11.2024

In November, the Belarusian people celebrated the Day of Civil Aviation Workers. On November 26, the group EM-6 and foreign students of group BI-57 took an excursion to the Brest airport. The chief, Dokuchits Aleksandr Vladimirovich, paid attention to the students...
Ecology of the Brest Region
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 29.11.2024

An information hour on the topic: "Ecology of the Brest Region" in the EM-6 group was held with the participation of foreign students of the BI-57 group in the "Winter Garden" of the Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin. Here...
Cooperation Agreements with the Republican Center for Hydrometeorology: Prospects for Interaction in Education and Science
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 26.11.2024

On November 25, a cooperation agreement was signed at the state institution "Republican Center for Hydrometeorology, Radioactive Pollution Control and Environmental Monitoring". On one side, the agreement was signed by the Rector of Brest State Technical University Sergey Antonovich Kasperovich...
Scientific and practical conference "Current issues in power engineering"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 26.11.2024

A scientific and practical conference "Current issues in power engineering" was held in Vitebsk at the Vitebskoblgaz UP, which was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus, organized by the GAZ-INSTITUTE State Industrial...
Why BrSTU? Achievements that inspire!
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 25.11.2024

A large-scale career guidance meeting for parents of future students was held at Brest State Technical University. During the lecture, parents were able to learn about the educational opportunities at BrSTU, the employment prospects of graduates and the benefits of...
Gala Concert "New Stars of BrSTU - 2024"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 22.11.2024

A grand event took place in the assembly hall of Brest State Technical University - the Gala Concert "New Stars of BrSTU". This evening became the culmination of a series of creative competitions that unfolded at the university faculties from...
85 years of guarding the country's economic interests: Brest Customs celebrates its anniversary
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 22.11.2024

On November 20, 2024, a ceremonial meeting was held in Brest dedicated to a significant date - the 85th anniversary of the establishment of Brest Customs. The event brought together representatives of various structures and organizations associated with the customs...
Young Voter Headquarters
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 20.11.2024

At Brest State Technical University, each faculty has a Young Voter Headquarters, where anyone can get acquainted with the basics of the electoral legislation of the Republic of Belarus, as well as learn details of the upcoming presidential elections of...
The Russian language unites the scientific and educational space of Russia and Belarus
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 20.11.2024

The Russian language unites the scOn November 14 and 15, the Minsk State Linguistic University hosted the grand opening of the Complex of Events for the implementation of the additional educational program "Russian Language as the Basis of Socio-Cultural Design...
We choose the future ourselves!
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 19.11.2024

On November 16, 2024, in an atmosphere of intellectual excitement and patriotism, a fascinating quiz was held, organized by students of the Brest State Technical University under the auspices of the Moscow District Organization of the ROO "Belaya Rus". The...
III Inter-University Forum on Auditing "AUDIT.BY"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 19.11.2024

On November 15, 2024, the III Inter-University Forum on Auditing "AUDIT.BY" was held at the Belarusian State University of Economics. As part of this significant event, a competent jury consisting of representatives of the Audit Chamber and the country's leading...
Test access to Access Engineering is open!
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 16.11.2024

Dear teachers, staff and students! From November 13 to December 18, 2024, test access to the educational platform in the field of engineering Access Engineering from McGraw Hill is open for the Educational Institution "Brest State Technical University". Access Engineering is an...
Off-site court session
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 16.11.2024

On November 15, 2024, an off-site court session of the Leninsky District Court of Brest was held at the Brest State Technical University on a criminal case under Part 1 of Article 212 of the Criminal Code of the Republic...
Closing of the third labor semester-2024 at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 16.11.2024

On November 14, a solemn closing ceremony of the third labor semester-2024 of Brest State Technical University took place. Among the honored guests at the event were representatives of partner enterprises: OJSC Chernavchitsy, OJSC Polesiezhilstroy, OJSC Savushkin Product, OJSC Construction Trust...
Delegation of the North Caucasus Federal University visited BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 16.11.2024

From November 12 to 14, a delegation of the North Caucasus Federal University (NCFU) visited Brest State Technical University (BrSTU). The visit took place within the framework of the youth and student tourism program in the Union State, organized by...
Meeting of curators at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 16.11.2024

On November 14, 2024, a meeting of curators was held at Brest State Technical University to discuss preparations for the upcoming election campaign for the President of the Republic of Belarus, scheduled for January 26, 2025. Particular attention of the participants...
Election campaign issues discussed at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 16.11.2024

On November 13, a meeting of Rector Sergei Antonovich Kasperovich with employees of the administrative and economic service and dormitories was held at Brest State Technical University. The agenda included discussion of the upcoming election campaign. Sergei Antonovich emphasized the importance...
On the 30th anniversary of the Institute of Presidency
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 16.11.2024

On November 13, a significant event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Institute of Presidency in the Republic of Belarus took place at Brest State Technical University. The event was attended by students, deputy deans for ideological and educational...
Unified Information Day at BrSTU: The Future Depends on Us
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 16.11.2024

On November 12, 2024, the Unified Information Day was held at Brest State Technical University. The theme of the Single Information Day was "Elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus: the future depends on us". The event brought together...
XXIV International scientific and practical conference "MANAGEMENT OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES"University / 11.11.2024
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 11.11.2024

The XXIV International scientific and practical conference "MANAGEMENT OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES" was held in Minsk on November 4-6. The conference topic was "The mission of a modern library in the context of education transformation". The conference was held at three capital...
Physics Olympiad Week at Brest Lyceum
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 11.11.2024

During the autumn school holidays, the Physics Department of Brest State Technical University held intensive courses for talented and motivated schoolchildren as part of the preparation week for the Physics Olympiad, organized at the Resource Center of the State Educational...
Engineering education: cooperation strategy
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 11.11.2024

On November 5, a meeting on planning work for the 2024/2025 academic year with students of engineering classes in the Berezovsky district was held at the premises of OAO Berezastroimaterialy. BrSTU was represented by deputy deans for ideological and educational...
The Competence Center accepts its first students
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 11.11.2024

In early November, the Competence Center "Industrial Robotics and Digital Engineering" of Brest State Technical University hospitably welcomed 4th-year students of Baranovichi State University, studying in the specialty "Production of products based on three-dimensional technologies". The program included laboratory classes...
"First in #1region"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 11.11.2024

On November 6, the exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Presidency "First in #1region" was launched in a solemn atmosphere at the Brest State Technical University. "Over 30 years, our country has blossomed, but together with you we will...
BrSTU delegation at the XXII Conference on International Exchange of Specialists (CIEP 2024)
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 05.11.2024

On November 2-3, a delegation from Brest State Technical University took part in the XXII Conference on International Exchange of Specialists (CIEP 2024), held in Shanghai (People's Republic of China). The conference was attended by representatives of leading universities in...
Initiative in the hands of the activists: a meeting of the BrSTU student activists with the rector
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 05.11.2024

On November 1, an important meeting was held at the Brest State Technical University, which brought together the student activists and the Rector Sergey Antonovich Kasperovich. The main goal of the meeting was to discuss current issues related to the...
Grand opening of an engineering class at the Lyceum in Zhabinka
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 05.11.2024

On November 1, 2024, an important event took place at the Lyceum in Zhabinka — the grand opening of a new engineering class. The event was held in a festive atmosphere, because this step marked the beginning of a large-scale...
Dialogue platform "Legal education as a basis for information security among students"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 04.11.2024

On November 1, 2024, an important meeting was held at Brest State Technical University - a dialogue platform dedicated to legal education and information security among students. The event was held in the format of a live dialogue, where the...
Seminar-meeting on the organization and implementation of activities of industry laboratories
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 04.11.2024

From October 30 to 31, Polesie State University hosted a seminar-meeting of vice-rectors for research work of higher education institutions on the organization and implementation of activities of industry laboratories in the system of the Ministry of Education of the...
International scientific and practical conference "Promising directions of innovative development and personnel training"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 04.11.2024

From October 31 to November 2, 2024, the International scientific and practical conference "Promising directions of innovative development and personnel training" is being held at Brest State Technical University. Scientists from the Republic of Belarus, Russia, Brazil, and Uzbekistan took part...
Open Dialogue with the Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 04.11.2024

On October 31, an open dialogue with the Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus Sergei Mikhailovich Maslyak was held at the Faculty of Engineering Systems and Ecology of Brest State Technical University. The event...
Prevention of bad habits among students
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 01.11.2024

On October 31, as part of the Leader's School, a student meeting was held on the topic of "Prevention of bad habits among students". Invited guest Vladislav Igorevich Pretskailo - narcologist of the Brest Regional Narcological Dispensary. Vladislav Igorevich spoke about...
Grand opening of a retrospective exhibition at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 01.11.2024

A grand opening of a retrospective exhibition of educational and creative works took place in the foyer of the second floor of the main building of Brest State Technical University. This exposition became a real visual report on five years...
BrSTU delegation at the International Conference on the Integration of Production, Education, Research and their Implementation-2024 in China
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 01.11.2024

From October 30 to November 1, the delegation of Brest State Technical University is taking part in the International Conference on the Integration of Production, Education, Research and their Implementation-2024 at Harbin Engineering University (People's Republic of China). The event...
BrSTU delegation visited North Caucasus Federal University
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 01.11.2024

As part of the youth and student tourism program in the Union State, a delegation from Brest State Technical University visited North Caucasus Federal University (NCFU) from October 21 to 24. The organizer of the international youth cooperation program in...
Volleyball tournament
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 01.11.2024

From October 21 to 25, 2024, the BrSTU Rector's Cup volleyball tournament among men's teams was held at the sports base of the Brest State Technical University, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Belarus...
XI International Congress "Library as a Cultural Phenomenon"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 28.10.2024

The XI International Congress "Library as a Cultural Phenomenon" was held on October 24-25, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders. For two days, the National Library of Belarus hosted meetings, sections, round tables...
Meeting of BrSTU foreign students with law enforcement officials
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 25.10.2024

On October 23, 2024, the first preventive conversation of law enforcement officials with foreign students of the university in the new academic year took place at Brest State Technical University. Vadim Vasilyevich Rovensky, Deputy Head of the Department of Citizenship and...
BrSTU Student of the Year – 2024
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 24.10.2024

The annual celebration "Student of the Year – 2024" took place on October 22 at Brest State Technical University. Six of the most active and purposeful students, successful in their studies and creativity, competed for the title of "BrSTU Student of...
Test access to the electronic library system "BiblioRossika" is open.
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 24.10.2024

Dear teachers, staff and students! From October 20 to November 19, 2024, test access to the electronic library system "BiblioRossika" was provided to the Educational Institution "Brest State Technical University". BiblioRossika is a modern electronic library system designed for researchers, teachers and...
BrSTU continues to expand the network of engineering classes in Brest: a new cooperation agreement!
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 24.10.2024

On October 22, a cooperation agreement was signed within the framework of the functioning of specialized engineering classes between BrSTU, the State Educational Institution "Secondary School of the Village of Chernavchitsy", the Education Department of the Brest District Executive Committee...
Quiz game "Dads at 100%: from famous personalities to the closest ones" at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 24.10.2024

On October 21, 2024, a fascinating quiz game "Dads at 100%: from famous personalities to the closest ones" was held within the walls of BrSTU. The event was dedicated to the Week of Parental Love, Father's Day and brought together...
Competition "Best Graduation Work"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 24.10.2024

The Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry launches a competition for students and postgraduates of the country's leading universities - "Best Graduation Work" The objectives of the competition: to improve the level of professional training of contestants in the field of...
Happy Father's Day!
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 21.10.2024

Dear teachers, staff and students of Brest State Technical University! Today, on Father's Day, I would like to congratulate all the fathers of our university and express my deepest gratitude to them for their work, patience and dedication. Being a father...
«JOB FAIR 2024»
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 21.10.2024

On October 18, 2024, the Faculty of Electronic Information Systems of the Brest State Technical University held a traditional event - «Job Fair - JOB FAIR 2024» as part of interaction with organizations/enterprises-customers of personnel and coverage of their activities...
ENERGY EXPO 2024 in Minsk
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 21.10.2024

Teachers and students from the 4th and 5th years of study in the specialty "Heat and Gas Supply, Ventilation and Air Protection" (groups TV-18 and TV-19) took part in the "Youth Day" at the 28th Belarusian Energy and Environmental Forum...
Information Security Among the Youth: Challenges and Risks
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 21.10.2024

On October 18, 2024, the Brest State Technical University hosted the forum "Information Security Among the Youth: Challenges and Risks". The speakers at this large-scale event were member of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic...
BrSTU hosted the reporting and election conference of the Moscow District of Brest branch of the Belarusian Party "Belaya Rus"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 21.10.2024

On October 17, the reporting and election conference of the Moscow District of Brest branch of the Belarusian Party "Belaya Rus" was held in the assembly hall of BrSTU. The conference was opened and the results of the work of the...
Career guidance excursion for mathematics and computer science teachers at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 21.10.2024

On October 17, Brest State Technical University hosted a career guidance excursion for mathematics and computer science teachers from Brest and the Brest region who are undergoing advanced training at the Brest Regional Institute for Education Development. The Head of the...
Rector of BrSTU took part in the Forum of Rectors of Russia, Belarus and Brazil
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 21.10.2024

Rector of Brest State Technical University Sergey Antonovich Kasperovich took part in the Forum of Rectors of Russia, Belarus and Brazil, which was held for the first time at Lomonosov Moscow State University. This event was an important step towards...
International scientific and practical conference "Land reclamation and water management - the basis of food and environmental security"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 17.10.2024

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Systems and Ecology of Brest State Technical University Oleg Pavlovich Meshik took part in the Anniversary International Scientific and Practical Conference "Land reclamation and water management - the basis of food and environmental security...
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 17.10.2024

Dear women! Dear mothers! I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful holiday - Mother's Day! For each of us, the most important word is mother. It is pronounced in all languages of the world. Mother is the first to take us in...
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 17.10.2024

Dear colleagues and friends! I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Cultural Workers of the Republic of Belarus! This holiday unites everyone who has dedicated their lives to preserving and enhancing the cultural heritage of our country. On this day, we...
Travel around Grodno
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 17.10.2024

On October 4, Chinese students, accompanied by teachers from the Department of Linguistic Disciplines and Intercultural Communications, went on an exciting journey around Grodno — the westernmost, most European and most popular tourist city in Belarus. This modern and dynamically developing...
On the implementation of a joint educational program at Xinxiang University
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 17.10.2024

As part of the implementation of a joint educational program for training specialists with general higher education in the specialty "Mechanical Engineering Technology", a group of BrSTU teachers has been at Xinxiang University (People's Republic of China) since the beginning...
Welcome Day 2024
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 17.10.2024

On October 5, Brest State Technical University held a Welcome Day, which became a real holiday for applicants. On this day, everyone could get to know the university, its structure and educational programs better. Rector Sergey Antonovich Kasperovich welcomed everyone and...
Happy Teacher's Day!
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 07.10.2024

Dear teachers, dear colleagues! With all my heart, I congratulate you on Teacher's Day! This holiday is a tribute to respect and gratitude to people whose noble work serves as the foundation of our future. You, dear teachers, are not only...
Prevention and Safety: Meeting of BrSTU students with law enforcement officials
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 07.10.2024

On October 2, 2024, an information and prevention meeting of students with representatives of the Security Department of the Moscow and Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Brest was held at Brest State Technical University. During the conversation, topical...
Investigative film "Nazism Virus" at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 02.10.2024

On September 27, a screening of the ONT investigative documentary film "Nazism Virus" took place in the assembly hall of the Brest State Technical University. This event attracted a large number of students and teachers who were interested in modern...
Engineering classes of Gymnasium No. 2 get acquainted with the world of engineering and technology at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 02.10.2024

Since the beginning of the new academic year, the Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation (HGSV) of Brest State Technical University has been conducting an optional course "In the World of Engineering and Technology: Choosing an Engineering Profession...
Cooperation for the Future: Meeting at BrSTU on the Development of Engineering Classes
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.09.2024

On September 25, a meeting was held at Brest State Technical University between Rector Sergey Antonovich Kasperovich and the heads of general secondary education institutions of Brest and the Brest region. The discussion focused on cooperation in the framework of...
Portrait exhibition "University in Faces. Professor Maria Petrovna Zhigalova"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.09.2024

On September 24, the Brest State Technical University library opened an exhibition-portrait "University in Faces. Professor Maria Petrovna Zhigalova", dedicated to our teacher, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences and Professor of the Department of Linguistic Disciplines and Intercultural Communications. Maria Petrovna...
Expanding cooperation with Xinxiang University
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.09.2024

The advanced training program for Xinxiang University teachers has been launched at BrSTU. For 10 days, teachers will attend lectures by leading university specialists in the field of mechanical engineering and automation. They will also have the opportunity to visit the...
XIII Forum of Engineering and Technological Universities of the Union State
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.09.2024

On September 24, the opening ceremony of the XIII Forum of Engineering and Technological Universities of the Union State was held at the R.E. Alekseev Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. The forum brought together leading specialists and young scientists from...
Scientific and technical seminar "Restoration of historical and cultural sites as a means of preserving the heritage of the Republic…
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.09.2024

On September 23, 2024, Brest State Technical University hosted a scientific and technical seminar "Restoration of historical and cultural sites as a means of preserving the heritage of the Republic of Belarus" dedicated to the memory of the architect and...
Intellectual quiz "My Belarus"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.09.2024

As part of the celebration of National Unity Day and the first-year student month, on September 23, the student body of the Faculty of Electronic Information Systems of Brest State Technical University organized an intellectual quiz "My Belarus". Students from all...
Presentation of the documentary film "Holy Martyr John of Riga. On the Passionary Path"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 23.09.2024

On September 19, a presentation of the documentary film "Holy Martyr John of Riga. On the Passionary Path" was held in the assembly hall of the Brest State Technical University. The event was attended by Metropolitan Seraphim of Penza and Nizhnelomovsk...
"We are together forever"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 23.09.2024

In honor of the 85th anniversary of the reunification of the BSSR and Western Belarus, an open dialogue "We are together forever" was held at BrSTU on September 18. The guests invited were the chairman of the Brest city council...
Happy holiday!
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 23.09.2024

Dear veterans, teachers, employees and students of Brest State Technical University! Please accept my sincere congratulations on National Unity Day! This holiday personifies our national unity, historical memory and pride in the achievements of our ancestors. It reminds us of the events...
Republican Dictation "Day of National Unity"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 23.09.2024

On the eve of National Unity Day, on September 16, students and teachers of Brest State Technical University, under the guidance of Rector Sergei Antonovich Kasperovich, took part in writing the Republican Dictation "Day of National Unity". Students and teachers of...
Library information resources: quality at the service of knowledge
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 16.09.2024

On September 13, Brest State Technical University hosted the Information Day "Library information resources: quality at the service of knowledge", dedicated to the Day of Libraries. Various activities were organized as part of the event: Round table "The role of libraries in...
International scientific and practical conference "ATOMIC SOLDIERS"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 16.09.2024

The international scientific and practical conference "ATOMIC SOLDIERS" was held on September 13 in the assembly hall of the Brest State Technical University. The conference was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the first atomic bomb test in the USSR...
The first record books were presented at the Faculty of Engineering Systems and Ecology of BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 16.09.2024

The ceremonial presentation of record books to first-year students studying in the specialty "Engineering networks, equipment of buildings and structures (heat and gas supply, ventilation and air basin protection)" took place at the branch of the Department of Heat and...
Meeting of students with the senior assistant prosecutor of Brest
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 16.09.2024

On September 11, a meeting of students with the senior assistant prosecutor of Brest Pavel Gennadievich Krupenich took place in the assembly hall of Brest State Technical University. The topic of the meeting was: "Extremism is a problem of our...
Talking about the important. Meeting with the deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the VIII…
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 16.09.2024

On September 6, the deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the VIII convocation Borovenko Vladimir Veniaminovich held a meeting with students at the Brest State Technical University on the eve of National Unity Day. The...
Ceremonial initiation of first-year students into students of BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 05.09.2024

The traditional ceremony of initiation of first-year students into students of Brest State Technical University took place on September 3 at the Ceremonial Square of the Brest Hero Fortress Memorial Complex. The event was attended by: member of the Council of...
Grand opening of the updated BrSTU Honor Board
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 05.09.2024

On September 2, the first day of the new academic year, the grand opening of the updated BrSTU Honor Board took place. 30 students and 30 employees made a personal contribution to the development of the university and achieved high results...
Ceremonial lineup of first-year students
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 05.09.2024

On September 2, a ceremonial lineup dedicated to the Day of Knowledge "My small homeland is Brest State Technical University!" was held on the main square of Brest State Technical University. The event was attended by the first deputy head of...
Tourist rally of the Union State
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 05.09.2024

From August 26 to 29, 2024, in the city of Valdai, Novgorod Region, Russian Federation, a student tourist rally of the Union State was held. The event was attended by 200 young people from universities in Russia and the Republic...
II Republican Forum of Working Youth
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 02.09.2024

On August 29, 2024, the baton of the II Republican Forum of Working Youth was taken up by Brest State Technical University. Eighty best representatives of labor collectives of various institutions and organizations of the country took part in the seminar...
Dress code at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 02.09.2024

Hello, students! In this article, we will tell you how to dress at the university to feel confident and comfortable. After all, student life is not only about studying, but also about many interesting events where you want to look...
Republican Pedagogical Council
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 28.08.2024

The Republican Pedagogical Council was held at the Palace of the Republic in Minsk with the participation of the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko. The forum was attended by more than 2.5 thousand teachers, heads of educational...
Roadmap for the development of cooperation between BrSTU and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus signed
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 28.08.2024

On August 23, a ceremony of signing roadmaps for the development of cooperation between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources for...
BrSTU repository improved its position in the repository ranking
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 28.08.2024

According to the updated repository ranking for August 2024, compiled by the Cybermetrics Lab research group, the BrSTU repository was included in the TRANSPARENT RANKING: CRIS by Google Scholar ranking. According to Webometrics 17th Edition (August 2024), the BrSTU repository took...
BrSTU expands the network of engineering classes in Brest: new cooperation agreement
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 09.08.2024

On August 7, 2024, an agreement was signed on the organization of work of engineering classes between Brest State Technical University, the branch "Brest Heating Networks" of RUE "Brestenergo", the Education Department of the Administration of the Leninsky District of...
Final practice at the Military Department of BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 06.08.2024

On August 4, the final practice of students studying at the Military Department under the reserve officer training programs was completed. More than 100 young men spent a month improving their practical skills at the military unit, which they acquired...
BrSTU has moved up in the UniRank ranking
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 06.08.2024

According to the data updated in July 2024, Brest State Technical University is ranked 5455 in the world and has moved up 2 positions among universities in the Republic of Belarus over the past six months. UniRank aims to provide a...
80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Brest from Nazi Invaders
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 30.07.2024

Employees and students of the Brest State Technical University, headed by Rector Sergei Antonovich Kasperovich, took part in memorial events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Brest from Nazi invaders. Wreaths and flowers were laid at the Eternal...
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 30.07.2024

80 years of peace! On July 28, 2024, Brest celebrates the anniversary of liberation from the Nazi invaders and the 1005th anniversary of its foundation. On this day, we bow our heads in memory of those who gave their lives for...
"Mechanical Engineering in the Republic of Belarus" for students of Xinxiang University
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 30.07.2024

From July 2 to July 12, as part of cooperation with Xinxiang University (People's Republic of China), Brest State Technical University hosted Chinese students under the summer school program “Mechanical Engineering in the Republic of Belarus”. In this short time, the...
Third working semester - 2024 at BrSTU!
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 30.07.2024

During the summer period, 312 people have already been employed at Brest State Technical University as part of 21 student teams in various areas of activity. To the students of the Spadchyna construction team named after Hero of the Soviet Union...
Focus on multidisciplinarity
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 30.07.2024

The admissions campaign is in full swing, and applicants and their parents are faced with a difficult task: making the right choice. How does Brest State Technical University solve the challenges of the future in order to occupy a leading position...
Expanding connections in the field of innovative entrepreneurship
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 30.07.2024

On June 4, 2024, an Agreement on interaction and cooperation was signed between Brest State Technical University and the State Institution “Secretariat of the Supervisory Board of the High-Tech Park”, which provides for interaction to support and develop innovative entrepreneurship...
I Republican Youth Patriotic Forum “Citadel of Memory”
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 24.06.2024

On June 20, 2024, the opening ceremony of the Republican Youth Patriotic Forum “Citadel of Memory” took place on the Ceremony Square of the Brest Hero-Fortress Memorial Complex. More than 140 students from 29 universities and colleges in Belarus, as well...
XXX Republican competition of scientific works of students
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 24.06.2024

On June 19, 2024, at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, a ceremonial awarding ceremony for the laureates of the XXX Republican Student Scientific Work Competition took place. This event was timed to celebrate the 105th anniversary of...
Awarding of activists of the Belarusian Trade Union of Education and Science Workers
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 20.06.2024

On June 18, at the National Library, an awards ceremony was held for graduates of higher education institutions - trade union activists of the Belarusian Trade Union of Education and Science Workers. Representatives of BrSTU also received letters of gratitude from...
"BrSTU Graduation Party-2024"
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 20.06.2024

On June 18, 2024, a graduation ceremony was held at the Brest State Technical University for the best students who demonstrated outstanding results in their studies and scientific activities. This holiday has become a symbol of achievements and opportunities for...
BrSTU and Comindware announce cooperation in the field of education and business process management technologies
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 11.06.2024

The educational institution “Brest State Technical University” (BrSTU) and Comindware, a developer of a platform for business process management, announce the start of cooperation in the field of education and the implementation of modern management technologies. BrSTU became the second...
BrSTU at the XXX International Specialized Exhibition TIBO-2024
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 06.06.2024

On June 5, 2024, the XXX International Specialized Exhibition TIBO-2024 started in Minsk, organized as part of the International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies, in which more than 260 companies from 15 countries take part.The TIBO Forum is a...
Traditional meeting of the Rector with students from the People's Republic of China
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 05.06.2024
On May 31, 2024, the Rector of Brest State Technical University Sergei Antonovich Kasperovich held a meeting with students from the People's Republic of China. In his speech, he expressed gratitude to the young people for their decision to receive...
CE and CT at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 05.06.2024

Today, May 30, graduates passed the centralized exam (CE) and centralized testing (CT) in the Belarusian and Russian languages. Brest State University is the largest CE center in the Brest region. Educational buildings No. 1, 2 and 5 are used for...
UE "Brestoblgaz" held a meeting with target groups
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 29.05.2024

The Head of the Department of “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” of the Brest State Technical University, Vladimir Gennadievich Novoseltsev, took part in a meeting with applicants and their parents, held by the base organization of the Brestoblgaz Unitary...
Literary evening: “But talent lives, genius is immortal”
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.05.2024

On May 24, 2024, a literary evening was held at the Brest State Technical University: “But talent lives, genius is immortal,” dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin. Students from China and Egypt took part in...
Free transfer of equipment by a Belarusian manufacturer to the Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 27.05.2024

To train students in the specialty “Heat and Gas Supply, Ventilation and Air Protection”, ARVAS JLLC (Minsk, Belarus) donated modern equipment of its own production to the “Heat Supply” laboratory of the Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation...
Forum of the Chinese-Belarusian University Association 2024
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 23.05.2024

The Forum of the Chinese-Belarusian University Association is being held at the Dalian Polytechnic University. The delegation of Brest State Technical University included Rector Sergei Antonovich Kasperovich and Head of the International Office Vitaly Anatolyevich Khaletsky. On the first day of...
Health Day at BrSTU
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 22.05.2024

Health Day, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Belarus from the Nazi invaders and the Day of Physical Culture and Sports Worker, took place on May 18, 2024 at the Brest State Technical University...
Republican Universiade 2023/2024 in swimming
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 22.05.2024

From May 15 to 18, the Republican Universiade 2023/2024 in swimming was held in Minsk on the basis of the Belarusian National Technical University.We congratulate the student of the Faculty of Electronic Information Systems of BrSTU Silchuk Denis on winning...
Republican Universiade -2023/2024 in athletics
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 22.05.2024

On May 15-17, 2024, the city of Brest hosted the 2023/2024 Republican Universiade in Athletics, during which students from higher educational institutions of our country competed for awards in the individual championship, and also competed for points for their teams...
ABC of Orthodoxy
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 22.05.2024

On May 16, at the Sunday school of the parish of the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Brest, a quiz game “The ABC of Orthodoxy” was held, dedicated to the International Day of the...
Cooperation roadmap signed
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 22.05.2024

As part of the current cooperation agreement between Brest State Technical University and Anhui Wenda University of Information Engineering (People's Republic of China), a delegation of management and teachers of the partner university visited BrSTU. During the meeting, various models of...
Happy Day of the State Flag, State Emblem and National Anthem of the Republic of Belarus
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 22.05.2024

The Day of the State Flag, State Emblem and National Anthem of the Republic of Belarus is a public holiday in our country, which is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of May in accordance with Decree of the President...
BrSTU took part in festive events on Victory Day
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 22.05.2024

Students and employees of Brest State Technical University, led by Rector Sergei Antonovich Kasperovich, took part in ceremonial events dedicated to the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Also, a delegation from Irkutsk took part in the...
Meeting with the Chairman of the Central Election Commission
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 22.05.2024

On May 7, 2024, a meeting was held at the Brest State Technical University with the Chairman of the Central Election Commission Igor Vasilyevich Karpenko. The event was opened by the Rector of BrSTU Sergey Antonovich Kasperovich, and the deputy...
Tinkoff - investments in the future!
NEWS IN ENGLISH / 21.05.2024

On May 2, students of the Faculty of Electronic Information Systems of BrSTU had the opportunity to get to know one of the largest companies in the IT field in our country. The meeting consisted of a promotional event for...