OFFICIAL NAME Republic of Belarus
PRESIDENT Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko
CAPITAL CITY Minsk – 1 million 996.5 thousand people
State Flag of the Republic of Belarus |
State Emblem of the Republic of Belarus |
STATE LANGUAGES Belarusian, Russian
TERRITORY 207,6 thousand sq. km
POPULATION 9 million 155.9 thousand people (on January 1, 2024)
NATIONAL CURRENCY Belarusian ruble (Br)
THE CLIMATE OF BELARUS is moderate continental with frequent Atlantic cyclones. Winters are mild with prolonged thaws, and summers are moderately warm. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE varies depending on the regions of Belarus. In July, the average temperature ranges from +17 C in the north to +18.5 C in the south.
The average temperature in January ranges from -4.5 C in the southwest to -8 C in the northeast. In some regions of Belarus, the temperature remains below zero for more than a third of the year. On the territory of Belarus, on average, 600–700 mm of precipitation falls annually. 70% of precipitation in the form of rain falls from April to October. So make sure you have warm clothes.
- 101 - Ministry of Emergency Situations
- 102 - Police
- 103 - Ambulance
- 104 - Emergency Gas Service
- 105 - Railway Station Information
- 106 - Air Transport Information
General information about the Republic of Belarus
The Republic of Belarus is located in the east of Europe. It borders on the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. The territory of Belarus is 207 thousand square kilometers. It is the 84th largest country in the world. The population of Belarus is about 9 million people. A large territory in Belarus is occupied by forests, rivers and lakes.
Our country is the most important transport artery of the Eurasian space. Every year over 100 million tons of cargo goes through the territory of Belarus.
More than 80% of the population are Belarusians. Due to the historical past, many other nationalities also live in Belarus, some of them have been here for many generations: Russians, Poles, Ukrainians, Jews. Tatars, Lithuanians and Latvians also live in Belarus. The official languages are Belarusian and Russian.
The Republic of Belarus is a country with an ancient history and rich traditions, beautiful nature and amazing architecture, industrial giants and efficient agriculture, original cuisine and hospitable people. And every year it becomes more and more attractive for tourists.
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Belarus is an export-oriented state with an advanced industrial economy, service sector and agriculture. The country is one of the world's leading exporters of trucks, tractors, road construction machinery and municipal equipment.
Features of the economy of the Republic of Belarus, its geographical location and historical ties determined the high degree of openness of the country's economy, its focus on foreign markets. Belarus maintains trade relations with 195 countries of the world.
Belarus is one of the states with a high level of scientific and technological development. This is confirmed by high positions in international ratings (rating on the development of information and communication technologies, on the human development index, Good Country Index, Doing Business, etc.)
The spiritual wealth of a people is reflected in its customs and culture. Carefully preserving the legacy of the past, sovereign Belarus is setting up new traditions. They contain our achievements and the best qualities: mercy and friendliness, sincere generosity and willingness to share everything we have.
Brest is the capital of the Brest region, a significant industrial center, since the development of industrial enterprises in the region is facilitated by a favorable geographical border position. Despite all its modernity, Brest is an ancient city. It is first mentioned in 1019. Cozy, laconic, elegant Brest attracts tourists at any time of the year. Residents of megacities are especially delighted by the abundant greenery in the very heart of Brest, as well as a large number of various attractions. Many sights of Brest tell about its war legacy. In Brest, you can spend quality time by visiting museums, architectural monuments, as well as getting pleasant impressions from theaters, cinemas, galleries and cafes that offer national cuisine.
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The hallmark of Brest is the Brest Fortress - one of the iconic places in Belarus, a symbol of courageous resistance, firmness and heroism during the Great Patriotic War.
The national education system of the Republic of Belarus is traditionally one of the highest values of the Belarusian people. Education in the Republic of Belarus combines training and upbringing in the interests of a person, society and state, aimed at the formation of a harmonious and all-round personality. According to the indicator "Access to basic knowledge" in the Social Progress Index for 2024, Belarus ranks 16th among 163 countries of the world. The adult literacy rate in Belarus has always been one of the highest in the world, now reaching 99.9%. Thus, the implementation of the principle of "lifelong education" is ensured in practice in the country.
Brest State Technical University (BrSTU) is a major educational and scientific center in the western region of the Republic of Belarus. Here, Belarusian and foreign students are trained in the specialties of bachelor's and master's programs. The university has a Dissertation Advisory Commitee, scientific research is carried out in the field of construction, architecture, electronics, information technology, mechanical engineering, economics and environmental sciences.