
Essay competition "I want to be a diplomat"

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, with the support of the National Center for Marketing and Price Study and the 5th Element chain of stores, is holding a career guidance essay competition "I want to be a diplomat".

The competition will be held from January 22 to March 9, 2025.

The purpose of the competition is to popularize the diplomatic service among young people, to select the most talented and motivated students at an early stage of their training as candidates for work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The competition is held in the nomination: "Best essay on the topic "Why I want to become a diplomat"

The winners and laureates of the competition will be given the opportunity to undergo an internship at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and participate in an annual workshop for young diplomats. ˮ5th Element“ will award valuable prizes to the winners.

The results of the competition will be announced in March-April 2025.



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