On February 14-16, 2025, the XXII International Specialized Exhibition "Education and Career. Educational Technologies - 2025" was held in Minsk for pupils, applicants, students, university graduates and parents.
The organizers of the international exhibition "Education and Career" are the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and the exhibition unitary enterprise "Expoforum".
On February 14, a grand opening ceremony was held with the participation of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus Andrei Ivanovich Ivanets, heads of industry ministries and departments, as well as leading organizations.
46 higher educational institutions, 68 colleges and 42 employers from Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan were represented at one site. The main theme of the 2025 exhibition is "Career Guidance. Personnel for the Economy".
The exhibition, headed by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Andrey Nikolaevich Parfievich, was attended by employees and students of the Brest State Technical University.
The exhibition demonstrated educational achievements in the Republic of Belarus, modern teaching technologies, educational equipment, new educational programs and seeks to connect talented youth with the best educational institutions.
At the exhibition site of BrSTU, a career guidance test "Find out your abilities!", a game "Career Map" and logical problems were held for applicants. Students of the Faculty of Electronic Information Systems demonstrated their practical skills using a robot chess player and a bionic robot dog as an example.
BrSTU employees provided qualified information on the rules of admission, training conditions and preferential programs for applicants, mainly the guests were interested in complete information on the areas of study, admission conditions and career prospects after graduation, which the university offers.
The Education and Career Exhibition is a great platform to make the right choice to achieve success in your career and move forward towards your goal.