On June 5, 2024, the XXX International Specialized Exhibition TIBO-2024 started in Minsk, organized as part of the International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies, in which more than 260 companies from 15 countries take part.
The TIBO Forum is a unique platform for exchanging best practices in the field of information technology, analyzing the world's best practices in digital transformation and discussing the prospects for the effective use of the latest technological trends in traditional sectors of the economy.
The opening of the exhibition was attended by the Rector of Brest State Technical University Sergei Antonovich Kasperovich.
BrSTU presents innovative developments of university scientists at the exhibition site: a digital agronomist, a product quality control stand, a BRAMS construction 3D printer, a robotic complex for automating the process of analyzing the acidity of soil samples, a spirocapnometric system.
Over the course of four days, domestic and foreign experts, representatives of government agencies and business communities will analyze global trends in ICT development, present innovative developments in the field of information technology, as well as the possibilities of their effective use in various fields of activity.
The international forum on information and communication technologies TIBO-2024 will last until June 8 at the Minsk Arena.