On the eve of National Unity Day, on September 16, students and teachers of Brest State Technical University, under the guidance of Rector Sergei Antonovich Kasperovich, took part in writing the Republican Dictation "Day of National Unity".
Students and teachers of BrSTU enthusiastically responded to the call to take part in this important event. Vice-Rector for Ideological and Educational Work Natalia Petrovna Yalovaya emphasized the importance of such actions for the formation of cultural identity and civic position of young people. She noted that such initiatives contribute to the development of patriotism and respect for their country.
The Republican Dictation "Day of National Unity" became not just a test of knowledge, but a real symbol of the unity and solidarity of the Belarusian people. The event participants expressed hope that such events will be held in the future, helping to maintain high levels of literacy and national pride among young people.