
BrSTU and Comindware announce cooperation in the field of education and business process management technologies

The educational institution “Brest State Technical University” (BrSTU) and Comindware, a developer of a platform for business process management, announce the start of cooperation in the field of education and the implementation of modern management technologies. BrSTU became the second Belarusian university partner of Comindware after a successful cooperation agreement with the Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU).

As part of the partnership, Comindware will provide BrSTU with access to its software products for use in the educational process. This will allow university students to familiarize themselves with and master advanced solutions for managing business processes and gain practical skills in working with them.

“Cooperation with Comindware opens up new opportunities for our students,” commented Mikhail Vladimirovich Neroda, vice-rector for academic affairs at BrSTU. “Access to modern business process management technologies will allow them to gain up-to-date knowledge and competencies in demand in the labor market. We are glad that our students will be able to learn from the best examples from the industry."

“We highly appreciate the opportunity to cooperate with Brest State Technical University, one of the leading educational and scientific centers in Belarus,” said Vitaly Shpak, General Director of Comindware. “The implementation of our solutions in the educational process will contribute to the training of highly qualified specialists ready for the digital transformation of business and government management. The Belarusian market is very promising for Russian companies, and we are pleased to expand our presence in this region."

The parties are confident that the partnership will bring mutual benefits. BrSTU students will have the opportunity to study and apply modern business process management technologies in practice. This will increase their competitiveness in the labor market and help them better meet the requirements of employers. For Comindware, cooperation with the university will allow them to disseminate their solutions in the educational environment, receive feedback from future specialists, and use feedback for the further development of the platform.

For reference:

Comindware® is a Russian company with more than 10 years of history, the developer of the Comindware Business Application Platform, a modern low-code platform for quickly building a digital organization, managing business processes, automating and monitoring work. Since 2018, the company has been ranked first in the ratings of the largest BPMS developers from CNews Analytics and TAdviser, as well as in the Gartner rating based on user and customer reviews.

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