
  1. Entry of foreign students to the Republic of Belarus

Foreign citizens enter Belarus with a VISA issued by a consular office of the Republic of Belarus pursuant to an invitation from the university.

Students from the following countries can enter Belarus WITHOUT A VISA:

The Republic of Azerbaijan; Republic of Armenia; Georgia; The Republic of Kazakhstan; Republic of Kyrgyzstan; The Republic of Moldova; Mongolia; Russian Federation; The Republic of Tajikistan; The Republic of Uzbekistan; Ukraine.

  1. Registration of foreign citizens

In the Republic of Belarus the following regimes of stay for foreigners are established:

temporary stay – implies that a foreign citizen can stay on the territory of Belarus during the period of validity of his entry visa, but not more than 90 days. If a citizen is a representative of a visa-free entry country (Azerbaijan, Armenia; Georgia; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan, Moldova; Russia; Tajikistan; Uzbekistan; Ukraine), then the period of his stay is indicated in his application or the application of the organization.

temporary residence – implies that a foreign citizen can stay in Belarus for a year (but not longer than the validity period of his passport or health insurance policy).

permanent residence – implies obtaining a residence permit by a foreign citizen.


As a general rule, foreigners who arrived in the Republic of Belarus, are required to REGISTER at their address of residence WITHIN TEN DAYS.

Citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan can temporarily stay in Belarus without registration within 30 days from the date of entry.

In case of CHANGING THE ADDRESS of residence, foreigners are obliged to REGISTER at the registration authority at the NEW address within THREE DAYS, except for weekends and holidays.

Documents to be submitted to the Department of Citizenship and Migration for obtaining a temporary residence permit:

  1. Application of a foreign citizen on registration of a temporary stay.
  2. Health insurance policy.
  3. Contract for accommodation.
  4. Receipt of payment (42 rubles).
  5. Passport.


After the successful completion of all formal procedures related to the admission of a foreign student to the university, in particular:
1. interview,
2. medical examination,
3. conclusion of the instruction contract,
4. issuance of the order, payment of tuition fees,
5. conclusion of a tenancy agreement in a hostel and payment for accommodation,
He/she is issued a temporary residence permit.

Documents for obtaining a temporary residence permit:

  1. Application for registration - at the university.
  2. Application for issuance of a temporary residence permit in the Republic of Belarus (signature of a foreign student) - to the typewriting office of the Department of Citizenship and Migration, 20 rubles.
  3. Address sheet of arrival - to the typewriting office of the Department of Citizenship and Migration, 5 rubles.
  4. Copy of the tenancy agreement.
  5. Copy of previous registration.
  6. Notarized translation of the passport into a foreign language.
  7. Receipt of payment – 126 rubles.
  8. Health insurance policy for the registration period of a foreign student. If the validity period of the health insurance policy does not cover the annual residence period, it is recommended to buy the missing “insurance days” additionally.
  9. Memo (at the university).

If a foreign student enters a university for the first time and registers at the address of the university, the following documents are added to the documents mentioned above:

A foreign citizen is obliged to reside in the Republic of Belarus only at the place of his registration. In the event of a change of residence, a foreign student is obliged to re-register at a new address.

  1. Departure of foreign citizens from the Republic of Belarus

Foreigners leave the Republic of Belarus with a valid EXIT visa.

An exit visa is issued to a student if

  • he/she has completed his/her studies at the university;
  • he/she was expelled;
  • the period of his/her return to continue his/her studies exceeds the period of his/her annual registration (in this case, to continue his/her studies, the student will re-enter the country on the invitation of the university).

The validity period of an exit visa is up to 3 months, depending on the length of temporary stay or residence.

An exit/re-entry visa is issued to foreign students to travel home during the holidays.

Documents to be submitted to the Department of Citizenship and Migration for obtaining a visa:

  1. Application of a foreign citizen.
  2. Letter of application from the university.
  3. Receipt of payment:
    84 rub. – to obtain an exit visa
    126 rub. – to obtain a single exit/re-entry visa

In the case of accelerated visa processing, a foreign citizen pays 42 rubles (5 days) or 126 rubles (1 day) and attaches a payment receipt to other documents.

  1. Reduction (cancellation) of registration

When a foreign student is expelled from the university, his/her current registration must be reduced (cancelled) and an exit visa must be issued.

Within 5 days from the date of issuance of the expulsion order, the following documents are submitted to the Department of Citizenship and Migration:

  • Notice of termination of educational relations.
  • Passport.
  • Application of a foreign citizen for an exit visa.
  • Application for registration of temporary stay.
  • Receipt of payment for an exit visa – 84 rubles.
  • Receipt of payment for the urgency of obtaining an exit visa 126 rubles (1 day).
  • Receipt of payment for temporary stay (42 rubles).

Violation of the rules of stay (that is, staying in the Republic of Belarus without a visa or registration, without a passport, or staying in the Republic of Belarus on invalid documents, avoiding leaving after the expiration of the exit visa) entails

  • imposition of a fine of up to twenty basic units with deportation (with a ban on entry into the Republic of Belarus from 1 to 10 years) or without deportation.
© 2022 Brest State Technical University

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