
"BrSTU Graduation Party-2024"

On June 18, 2024, a graduation ceremony was held at the Brest State Technical University for the best students who demonstrated outstanding results in their studies and scientific activities. This holiday has become a symbol of achievements and opportunities for further development of young professionals.

The event under the motto “Time has chosen you!” took place at the Brest Regional Puppet Theater. BrSTU Rector Sergei Antonovich Kasperovich congratulated the best graduates on their successful graduation from the university and wished them further success in their careers.

“We are proud of you, believe me, how pleased it is for me, the rector, your deans, your teachers to see the success that you were able to achieve and achieve as a student. Your excellent studies, your victories in scientific competitions, your active participation in public life, in construction brigade projects, participation in beauty contests, creative competitions, victories in them. Believe me, this is happiness for us. We live by it. We live for your successes. This is why the university exists and proudly carries the banner of the leading technical university in our country!

Well, most importantly, believe in yourself, go forward, fly to the stars, don’t fade away and come back to us. Good luck, our dear graduates. Thank you for being with us all this time!” - Sergey Antonovich addressed the graduates.

As part of the event, awards were presented to the best graduates. They received diplomas for achievements in studies, scientific and social activities, and their parents received gratitude for their decent upbringing and assistance to the university in the formation of an active civic and life position.

The last graduation party became a bright and memorable event for all participants. He demonstrated that BrSTU prepares highly qualified specialists who will be in demand in the labor market.

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