
Belarusian manufacturers of heat supply equipment actively participate in the educational process at BrSTU

In accordance with the protocol of instructions of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus No. 05/41 dated 17.12.2024, it is planned to reduce the gap between the processes and technologies that are studied in higher education institutions and the technologies that are used in production. The protocol also envisages the development of the participation of specialized organizations and organizations - customers of personnel in the training of engineering personnel.

The Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation of the Brest State Technical University annually holds a number of events with specialized enterprises, equipment manufacturers, and organizations - customers of personnel.

And here is the first event of 2025. A practical seminar with representatives of the Teplosila Group of Companies (Minsk, Belarus) was held for students of the specialty "Heat and Gas Supply, Ventilation and Air Basin Protection" and graduate students.

The Teplosila Group of Companies is currently one of the largest manufacturers and suppliers of both individual equipment for heating stations and fully finished block heating stations in the Republic of Belarus. A large amount of equipment is supplied to Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. Equipment manufacturing plants are located in Molodechno and in the Great Stone Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park.

The seminar was held at the invitation of the Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation (HGSV) by Chief Engineer Alexander Mordovin, Head of the Technical Department Anton Syrovinsky, and Head of the Service Department Egor Kolin.

The following issues were presented and discussed at the seminar:

- the range of products manufactured by the Teplosila Group of Companies;

- issues that need to be considered when selecting equipment;

- mistakes that are most often made when selecting equipment;

- practical advice on the use of our equipment in individual heating stations and central heating stations.

- errors in the design of the Teplosila Group of Companies equipment and what they lead to in practice;

- errors in the operation of the equipment of the Teplosila Group of Companies, and what they lead to in practice;

- practical recommendations for setting up and starting up the equipment at the facilities.

We express our gratitude to the management and employees of the Teplosila Group of Companies for the event held at a high level!

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