
Topical issues of integrating scientific developments into the practical activities of enterprises were discussed at BrSTU

On February 18, 2025, a round table on the topic "Topical issues of integrating scientific developments into the practical activities of enterprises" was held at Brest State Technical University. The event was chaired by the First Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Gennadyevich Bakhanovich.

In his welcoming speech, Alexander Gennadyevich drew the attention of those present to the instruction of the President of Belarus Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko to increase the practical orientation and effectiveness of scientific developments. In order to implement this instruction, a regional scientific and technical program for 2026-2030 is being developed with centers in six leading universities of Belarus.

The meeting was also attended by the Head of the Innovation Department of the Economics Committee of the Brest Regional Executive Committee Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Chabritskaya, the Head of the Science and Innovation Department Pyotr Nikolaevich Pekutko and the academician-secretary of the Department of Chemistry and Earth Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Alexey Valentinovich Trukhanov.

Rector of BrSTU Sergey Antonovich Kasperovich presented the university, talking about the results of the Regional scientific and technical program for 2021-2025, as well as about the achievements of BrSTU in the field of scientific developments.

The main research areas of activity were also presented by Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin, Baranovich State University, Polesie State University and Polesie Agrarian and Ecological Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Representatives of customer organizations shared their experience in implementing research and development work: Amkodor-Pinsk CJSC, Brest Electromechanical Plant OJSC and Brest Regional Clinical Hospital.

Concluding the meeting, Alexander Gennadyevich Bakhanovich emphasized the importance of freedom of scientific research, saying: "Science must breathe freely!"

The round table became an important platform for discussing current issues of integrating scientific developments into the practical activities of enterprises and determining further steps to improve the efficiency of interaction between science and production.

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