
UE "Brestoblgaz" held a meeting with target groups

The Head of the Department of “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” of the Brest State Technical University, Vladimir Gennadievich Novoseltsev, took part in a meeting with applicants and their parents, held by the base organization of the Brestoblgaz Unitary Enterprise.

At the meeting, General Director of the Brestoblgaz Unitary Enterprise Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Kazimirchik told applicants and their parents about the prospects of working at the enterprise, and Vladimir Gennadievich about the rules of targeted recruitment and the prospects of studying at BrSTU.

UE "Brestoblgaz" is traditionally in demand among applicants. This year, 11 applicants, who were provided with targeted training agreements at the meeting, will apply for 8 places in the target enrollment announced by the Brestoblgaz Unitary Enterprise in the specialty “Engineering networks and equipment of buildings” with the specialization “Heat and gas supply, ventilation and air protection”.

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