
Literary evening: “But talent lives, genius is immortal”

On May 24, 2024, a literary evening was held at the Brest State Technical University: “But talent lives, genius is immortal,” dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin. Students from China and Egypt took part in the event. At the literary evening, poems were performed that became musical works: romances, operas, and even ballets, stories and excerpts from Pushkin’s works in Russian, Chinese and Arabic. The evening program included: “If life deceives you”, “I remember a wonderful moment”, “I loved you...”, “Prisoner”, “Bird” and others. The participants of the evening were pleased to touch the fate and work of the greatest poet of Russia, and felt the indescribable spirit of Pushkin’s work. Everyone found something special and unique in his creation. The event ended with the awarding of memorable diplomas to all participants.

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