
Forum of the Chinese-Belarusian University Association 2024

The Forum of the Chinese-Belarusian University Association is being held at the Dalian Polytechnic University. The delegation of Brest State Technical University included Rector Sergei Antonovich Kasperovich and Head of the International Office Vitaly Anatolyevich Khaletsky.

On the first day of the forum, a consultation was held by the delegation of Northeastern University led by Vice-Rector Tan Lixing. The parties discussed various formats of cooperation, including academic exchange of students and teachers, as well as submitting applications for funding of scientific projects.

Also at the forum, a remote report from BrSTU was presented on the creation of robotic systems and the use of artificial intelligence in the automation of production processes. The speakers were the Head of the educational scientific and practical laboratory “Industrial Robotics” Kasyanik Valery Viktorovich and the Head of the Department of Intelligent Information Technologies, professor Vladimir Adamovich Golovko.

At the meeting of the Intelligent Manufacturing cluster, Sergei Antonovich presented a report on the university’s experience in the field of digital engineering.

Separately, it is worth noting that within the framework of the forum, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Brest State Technical University and the Dalian University of Technology, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary. The document was signed by the Rector of our university, Sergei Antonovich Kasperovich, and the Rector of the partner Chinese university, Jia Zhenyuan.

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