
ABC of Orthodoxy

On May 16, at the Sunday school of the parish of the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Brest, a quiz game “The ABC of Orthodoxy” was held, dedicated to the International Day of the Family, as well as the holiday of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, prepared by the staff of the BrSTU library and the primary trade union organization of students.

Families who were parishioners of the church took part in the quiz, and during the event they competed in their knowledge of the fundamentals of the Orthodox faith and traditions. The questions concerned the history of Christianity, biblical stories, Orthodox shrines and Orthodox holidays.

The game took place in a friendly and joyful atmosphere, uniting the participants and helping them deepen their knowledge of the Orthodox faith. Prizes and awards awaited the winners, but the main thing was time spent together as a family, strengthening spiritual ties and values.

“Such events not only help deepen knowledge about faith and traditions, but also promote family communication and mutual understanding,” said Natalya Petrovna Yalovaya, Vice-Rector for Educational Work at BrSTU, at the conclusion of the event.

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