On April 5, the Eurasian Student Olympiad in Logistics was held in St. Petersburg on the basis of the University of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the EurAsEC, which united 8 teams from universities of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.
Brest State Technical University was represented at the Olympiad by a team of 3rd year students of the Faculty of Economics majoring in Logistics: Domino Anastasia, Demid Valeria, Sidorik Valeria, Minder Anastasia, Grivenev Stepan, Grabinskaya Victoria, Soroka Arina.
Participants of the Olympiad competed in solving logistics cases, situations and tests, team captains demonstrated their skills in an oratory competition on a given topic, and a competent jury separately evaluated the teams’ video cards.
The BrSTU team took second team place in a dynamic and persistent struggle!
Congratulations to the students and scientific supervisors - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics Daria Vladimirovna Stankevich and Head of the Department of Economic Theory and Logistics Gulnara Borangalievna Medvedeva on their high result at the international level!