Spring break is a time of relaxation and recharge of energy before the new quarter. On the second day of the holidays, the Faculty of Economics invited everyone to spend this time usefully at a wide variety of career guidance events “Vacations at BrSTU”. Students of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums of Brest and the Brest region were able to communicate in an informal setting with the leadership and leading teachers of the faculty.
Students and teachers prepared a lot of varied information for guests both about the entrance campaign and about educational, research, creative and sports activities at the Faculty of Economics.
Students successfully completed all the tests provided by the organizers as part of the “Financial Everyday Life” quest, learned the secrets of managing production and financial systems of organizations, and marketing communications.
In the interactive quest “Ticket to the Future”, with the help of a multimedia space, the young people, together with artificial intelligence, determined the software of economic specialties; using the example of training stands, the Layout of a Logistics Warehouse and the Model of the Electronic Economy, they became familiar with the particularities of organizing the work of an economist, programmer-economist.
Vacations at BrSTU continue. Don't miss the opportunity to get acquainted with each specialty of the university.