
XXIV International scientific and practical conference "MANAGEMENT OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES"University / 11.11.2024

The XXIV International scientific and practical conference "MANAGEMENT OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES" was held in Minsk on November 4-6. The conference topic was "The mission of a modern library in the context of education transformation".

The conference was held at three capital universities: Belarusian State University, Educational Institution "Belarusian State Pedagogical University", Educational Institution "Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts".

Brest State Technical University was represented at the conference by the library director Yulia Vyacheslavovna Azarkevich, who made a report "Spiritual, moral and family education: practices and approaches of the BrSTU library". In her speech, Yulia Vyacheslavovna presented a number of practices that are used in the BrSTU library. This includes organizing exhibitions and photo zones, holding thematic events and quizzes with the participation of representatives of the Brest diocese, using modern technologies in preparing and holding events, creating information lists and stocking up with literature on Orthodox topics.

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