
Awarding of activists of the Belarusian Trade Union of Education and Science Workers

On June 18, at the National Library, an awards ceremony was held for graduates of higher education institutions - trade union activists of the Belarusian Trade Union of Education and Science Workers.

Representatives of BrSTU also received letters of gratitude from the Trade Union:
Zdanevich Polina, group EU-37, EF - member of the trade union committee;
Khololovich Diana, group EU-37, EF - member of the trade union committee;
Levchuk Valeria, group EM-3 - member of the information commission;
Kasyutich Victoria, group EM-3 - member of the information commission.

“Yesterday is like the result of a long, eventful life,” Diana Khololovich, a graduate of the Faculty of Economics of BrSTU, shared with a slight sadness in her voice. The award ceremony for trade union activists ended in the evening in the circle of trade union leaders. 
Graduates shared their impressions of the years spent with the trade union organization and discussed plans for the future.
The evening passed in a relaxed atmosphere and left the most pleasant impressions on all participants:
I always remember with warmth all the days spent with the Trade Union.
Being a member of the student trade union committee is not just a position, it is an opportunity to help, protect, and advocate for justice. For me it has always been a matter of the soul. Thanks to the primary, I met a lot of interesting people with whom I hope to continue communicating in the future.
I would like to express special gratitude to our chairman of the trade union organization, Tatyana Vasilievna. She is a true leader and mentor to all of us. Under her leadership, the trade union organization organized many exciting events during my years at the university: trips, excursions, dialogue platforms, conferences, sports and cultural events.
Now it’s a little sad to say goodbye to student life, but I’m sure that all these years spent in students` trade union committee will be a valuable experience that I will use in the future.
Thank you Trade Union for making my student life so rich and unforgettable!” — Diana Khololovich shared her opinion.

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