
Health Day at BrSTU

Health Day, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Belarus from the Nazi invaders and the Day of Physical Culture and Sports Worker, took place on May 18, 2024 at the Brest State Technical University. As part of the event, various sports competitions and activities were held aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, strengthening sports traditions and developing physical culture in the country.

Health Day program:

  • Grand opening ceremony
  • Morning exercises
  • Volleyball with blankets
  • Orienteering
  • A volleyball match among men's teams of BrSTU students and students of the BrSTU branch Polytechnic College
  • A mini-football match among men's teams between teams of nonresident students living in dormitories and students of BrSTU in Brest
  • Camps between teams of BrSTU employees and the Department of Physical Education and Sports
  • Streetball

The event was attended by students and employees of the university, as well as students from the BrSTU Polytechnic College branch. The event is aimed at popularizing a healthy lifestyle, strengthening sports traditions and developing physical culture in the Republic of Belarus. Health Day became a bright event that united all lovers of sports and a healthy lifestyle at the university.

© 2022 Brest State Technical University

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