On April 29, 2024, the Brest State Technical University hosted the Festival of National Cultures “We are all different, but we are together,” in which Belarusian and foreign students of BrSTU, representing China, Venezuela, Vietnam, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Zimbabwe, took part. Vice-Rector for Educational Work Natalya Petrovna Yalovaya addressed the festival participants with a welcoming speech.
The event program turned out to be very rich and included various genres. A student from the People's Republic of China, Li Haisu, recited a poem about his mother in Russian, and a student from Zimbabwe, Hwacha Bianca, dressed in national costume, gave an impressive presentation about her homeland. Participants of the event saw a fiery oriental dance performed by a student of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Elizaveta Kalutich. Student Zhang Yuxuan sang a love song in Russian. A Chinese student told interesting facts about the origin and distribution of porcelain.
During the festival, students showed interesting presentations dedicated to their countries: Mohamed Amro and Antar Abdelrahman - Egypt, Pham Chau Dong Trinh presented Vietnam, Monsalve Erika - Venezuela, He Ting - China, Paul Victoria - Kazakhstan, Katakhujaev Tokhirjon - Tajikistan.
At the end of the festival, those present were able to immerse themselves in the culture of each country thanks to national cuisine prepared by foreign and Belarusian students.
Thanks to the event, we saw all the cultural diversity of the world around us and once again saw how much we have in common!