April 26, 2024 - 38 years since the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - an unprecedented accident in the history of nuclear energy. As a result of explosions at the 4th power unit, the reactor was completely destroyed. The accident was accompanied by fires and releases of radioactive substances. The radioactive cloud passed over the USSR, Eastern Europe and affected more than 20 countries. Belarus, Russia and Ukraine were the hardest hit. Pollution of the territory of Belarus amounted to 23% of the total area, Ukraine – 7%, Russia – 1.5% of the territory of its European part. About 35% of the Chernobyl fallout of cesium-137, the main radionuclide that forms the radiation dose of the population at present, occurred on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
This April date became special not only for Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, but also for the whole world. On this day, all civilized humanity remembers Chernobyl, about those who, without sparing their lives and health, stopped the radiation disaster and prevented a big disaster.
The Chernobyl disaster became a challenge for the entire international community. At the same time, efforts to overcome the consequences of this major radiation accident have provided excellent examples of cooperation at the global level. The approach of countries to nuclear energy issues has changed, including increased safety and a more balanced attitude to technological progress. The international community has learned the lessons of Chernobyl and gained experience that will help deal with the long-term consequences of man-made disasters.
This day is intended to remind us of how important it is to protect nature and be more responsible in handling technologies that can bring both benefit and harm. As we remember those who sacrificed their lives in the aftermath of the accident, we must remember their courage and dedication.
We must learn lessons from the Chernobyl tragedy to avoid similar disasters in the future. Memorial Day for the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant reminds us of the troubled past, which we must remember and protect our planet for future generations!
April 26 is a memorable date in Belarus. This is the Day of the Chernobyl tragedy.